@inproceedings{WeidenmuellerHimmelKanounetal.2009, author = {Jens Weidenm{\"u}ller and J{\"o}rg Himmel and Olfa Kanoun and Christian Sehestedt}, title = {Rod Shape Testing by High Frequency Eddy Current - Passive Impedance Measurement}, series = {6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices}, address = {Chemnitz}, organization = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-4244-4345-1}, doi = {10.1109/SSD.2009.4956726}, year = {2009}, abstract = {For the rod shape measurement of hot rolled round steel bars (rods) the high frequency eddy current method is especially well suited as it requires no contact point and is not limited to below the Curie temperature. Defects of the rod's shape can be detected by measuring the impedance spectrum of the RLC-oscillator. In the first laboratory setup an Agilent impedance analyser was used for initial tests. Nevertheless, this setup cannot be applied in a steel plant due to the difficult environmental conditions. Hence, a vector network analyser for passive impedance measurement that is applicable in these surroundings was developed.}, language = {en} }