@inproceedings{Jansen2017, author = {Marc Jansen}, title = {About a Decentralized 2FA Mechanism}, series = {ICIW 2017 : The Twelfth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services}, isbn = {978-1-61208-563-0}, pages = {44 -- 47}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Web based security applications have become increasingly important in the past years. Especially in times of blockchain based crypto currencies, user authentication is a critical aspect for the overall security, integrity and acceptance of such systems. While blockchain technologies provide a decentralized approach, the client side still largely relies on centralized security approaches. Those centralized approaches are easier to implement, but at the same time bear the risk of usual security flaws. Therefore, this paper presents a decentralized approach for increasing the security by adding a decentralized two-factor authentication mechanism to the execution of operations.}, language = {en} }