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- Automotive HMI (2)
- Automobiles (1)
- Automotive (1)
- AutomotiveHMI (1)
- Autonomous automobiles (1)
- Data visualization (1)
- Digitalisierung (1)
- HCI (1)
- Highly Automated Vehicles (1)
- Human Factors (1)
How to Increase Automated Vehicles’ Acceptance through In-Vehicle Interaction Design: A Review
Automated vehicles (AVs) are on the edge of being available on the mass market. Research often focuses on technical aspects of automation, such as computer vision, sensing, or artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, researchers also identified several challenges from a human perspective that need to be considered for a successful introduction of these technologies. In this paper, we first analyze human needs and system acceptance in the context of AVs. Then, based on a literature review, we provide a summary of current research on in-car driver-vehicle interaction and related human factor issues. This work helps researchers, designers, and practitioners to get an overview of the current state of the art.
Self-driving cars will relief the human from the driving task. Nevertheless, the human might want to intervene in the driving process and thus needs the possibility to control the car. Switching back to fully manual controls is uncomfortable once being passive and engaging in non-driving-related activities. A more comfortable way is controlling the car with elemental maneuvers (e.g., "turn left" or "stop"). Whereas touch interaction concepts exist, contactless interaction through voice and mid-air gestures has not yet been explored for maneuver-based car control. In this paper, we, therefore, compare the general eligibility of voice and mid-air gesture with touch interaction as the primary maneuver selection mechanism in a driving simulator study. Our results show high usability for all modalities. Contactless interaction leads to a more positive emotional perception of the interaction, yet mid-air gestures lead to higher task load. Overall, voice and touch control are preferred over mid-air gestures by most users.
Currently, car assistant systems mainly try to prevent accidents. Increasing built-in car technology also extends the potential applications in vehicles. Future cars might have virtual windshields that augment the traffic or individual virtual assistants interacting with the user. In this paper, we explore the potential of an assistant system that helps the car’s occupants to calm down and reduce stress when they experience an accident in front of them. We present requirements from a discussion (N= 11) and derive a system design from them. Further, we test the system design in a video-based simulator study (N= 43). Our results indicate that an accident support system increases perceived control and trust and helps to calm down the user.
Even though many aspects of automated driving have not yet become reality, many human factors issues have already been investigated. However, recent discussions revealed common misconceptions in both research and society about vehicle automation and the levels of automation levels. This might be due to the fact that automated driving functions are misnamed (cf. Autopilot) and that vehicles integrate functions at different automation levels (L1 lane keeping assistant, L2/L3 traffic jam assist, L4 valet parking). The user interface is one of the most critical issues in the interaction between humans and vehicles--and diverging mental models might be a major challenge here. Today's (manual) vehicles are ill-suited for appropriate HMI testing for automated vehicles. Instead, virtual or mixed reality might be a much better playground to test new interaction concepts in an automated driving setting.
Public transportation will become highly automated in the future, and at some point, human drivers are no longer necessary. Today many people are skeptical about such scenarios of autonomous public transport (abbr.: APT). In this paper, we assess users’ subjective priority of different factors that lead to personal acceptance or rejection of APT using an adapted online version of the Q-Methodology with 44 participants. We found four prototypical attitudes to which subgroups of participants relate: 1) technical enthusiasts, 2) social skeptics, 3) service-oriented non-enthusiasts, and 4) technology-oriented non-enthusiasts. We provide an unconventional perspective on APT acceptance that helps practitioners prioritize design requirements and communicate, targeting users’ specific attitudes.
Understanding user needs and behavior in automated vehicles (AVs) while traveling is essential for future in-vehicle interface and service design. Since AVs are not yet market-ready, current knowledge about AV use and perception is based on observations in other transportation modes, interviews, or surveys about the hypothetical situation. In this paper, we close this gap by presenting real-world insights into the attitude towards highly automated driving and non-driving-related activities (NDRAs). Using a Wizard of Oz AV, we conducted a real-world driving study (N= 12) with six rides per participant during multiple days. We provide insights into the users’ perceptions and behavior. We found that (1) the users’ trust a human driver more than a system,(2) safety is the main acceptance factor, and (3) the most popular NDRAs were being idle and the use of the smartphone.
The uprising levels of autonomous vehicles allow the drivers to shift their attention to non-driving tasks while driving (ie, texting, reading, or watching movies). However, these systems are prone to failure and, thus, depending on human intervention becomes crucial in critical situations. In this work, we propose using human actuation as a new mean of communicating take-over requests (TOR) through proprioception. We conducted a user study via a driving simulation in the presence of a complex working memory span task. We communicated TORs through four different modalities, namely, vibrotactile, audio, visual, and proprioception. Our results show that the vibrotactile condition yielded the fastest reaction time followed by proprioception. Additionally, proprioceptive cues resulted in the second best performance of the non-driving task following auditory cues.
Starting with the automatic gear change, the operation of a vehicle becomes more and more abstract. In the future, we could control vehicles with single, simple commands. For such a maneuver-based vehicle control system, we investigate a head-up display design in a workshop. The aims are to identify common and distinct features of various display designs through mock-ups. First results show that different sizes of GUI elements are preferred by different states. The preferred position of GUI elements in the head-up display (HUD) is the central bottom area. We found two major interface design styles: static interfaces (all elements visible) with fixed layout and dynamic interfaces (only relevant elements visible) with fixed or adaptive layout.
In this demo paper we present a new visualization technique for dynamic networks. It displays the time slices of the dynamic network using two dimensional graph layouting algorithms and stacks these in the third dimension to show the development over time. The visualization ensures that the same node always has the same position in each time slice so that it is easy to follow its development. It also allows filtering data and influencing node appearance based on properties. Additionally we offer a two dimensional comparison view for two time slices which highlights changes in graph structure and (if available) in measures of nodes. The presented visualization technique is implemented using Web technology and is available in a Web-based analytics workbench. We demonstrate the benefits of these techniques by an analysis of a data set from a learning community.