Document Type
- Part of a Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Article (1)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
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- no (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Brand Ecosystem (1)
- Brand Ecosystem Framework (1)
- Brand Strategy (1)
- Generative AI (1)
- Stakeholder Participation (1)
- framing (1)
- generations (1)
- social robots (1)
Multi-Marken-Systeme führen
Die Bedeutung der Akustik
Towards an UX/CX research-framework for HRI along the Customer Journey - a methodological note
The overarching societal integration of social robots requires positive experiences. However, frameworks for specifically considering the interaction experience with social robots in public spaces do not exist. Previous research suggests that the experience concepts of User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) should be equally considered in the design process of applications of social robots. Building on this, we propose an interdisciplinary framework for evaluating and optimizing UX and CX in human-robot interaction (HRI), along the Customer Journey (CJ). The framework differentiates interdisciplinary evaluation criteria along adapted contact phases compared to the conventional CJ including the identification of associated touchpoints with a focus on UX and CX. It considers how the individual touchpoints and experiences made at each touchpoint (pain and gain points) during the respective phase can be methodically evaluated and related to each other. It is meant as a concept from which implications can be derived as to how UX and CX can be integrated into the interaction concepts in order to achieve a long-term stable intention to use and loyalty.
An increasing number of social robots exist globally, but are not yet used ineveryday life. Literature-based and with an exploratory study, this chapter outlinesoptions to build on existing associative structures in the minds of consumers and usesthe framing approach to improve attitudes and increase the intention to use socialrobots. Firstly, a definitional classification of what exactly makes a robot social is pre-sented. Secondly, generation-specific differences in attitudes and intentions to use aredetermined. Thirdly, the framing approach for increasing attitude, including behav-ioural intention is discussed. Subsequently, a series of interviews were used to investi-gate the associative structures with regard to social robots, generational differencesin association networks and the use of the framing approach. The application field inthe study is education. Findings indicate generational differences and risky choice, at-tribute and goal frames have been developed, upon which further research can bebased.
In current research and industry practice, there are approaches to integrate stakeholders into the
development of business models and marketing strategies, yet there is a lack of systematic
exploration in this area. Addressing this gap, this paper pilots a social robot brand ecosystem that
avails itself of the participative stakeholder involvement of BtB partners.This paper examinesthe development of a social robot brand ecosystem for municipal
intuitions as well as retail businesses and the corresponding strategic building blocks by exploring
ways of stakeholder participation to develop an ecosystem with the use of generative AI (genAI).